Educational Background
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science and Engineering,
Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Gazipur, Bangladesh
CGPA : 3.76 out of 4.00
Last Four Semester CGPA : 3.91 out of 4.00
Graduation Year : March, 2021
Specialization : Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Higher Secondary Certificate,
Notre Dame College, Dhaka, Bangladesh
GPA : 5.00 out of 5.00
Passing Year : 2016
Secondary School Certificate,
Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur, Bangladesh
GPA : 5.00 out of 5.00
Passing Year : 2014
Undergraduate Thesis
Thesis Title : Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) Dataset Generation using Depth Information
( Thesis Repository)
Supervisor : Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan ( Email) Co-Supervisor : Dr. Hasan Mahmud ( Email) Developed a feature-based depth dataset by detecting hand keypoints and extracting 3D coordinates of these points via MediaPipe framework, and performed classification on the proposed dataset, yielding better classification results than the existing ones in Bangla Sign Language.
Relevant CS Course-works
- Human Computer Interaction
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Digital Signal Processing
- Algorithms
- Data Structure
- Graph Theory
- Computer Graphics
- Algorithm Engineering
- Structured Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Operating Systems
- Theory of Computing
- Database Management System
- Visual Programming
- RDBMS Programming
- Bioinformatics
- Digital Logic Design
- Compiler Design
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Data and Telecommunications
- Computer Networks
- Wireless Networking
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Inter-networking Protocols
- Peripherals and Interfacing
- Microprocessors and Assembly Language
- Engineering Drawing (AutoCAD)
- Computing for Engineers
Relevant Math Course-works
- Linear Algebra
- Probability and Statistics
- Multivariable Calculus and Complex Variables
- Geometry and Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
- Numerical Methods
- Mathematical Analysis
Academic Projects
Brain Tumor Detection using CNN | Python, TensorFlow
Deep Learning project for detecting Brain Tumors from MRI images. To do this implementation, we have used Convolutional Neural Network and designed a model that yields decent accuracy ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Aug'20 - Sep'20
Online Pharmacy Management System | HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Developed a web-based project implementing online medicine purchase for the customers. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Jul'19 - Aug'19
Result Processing System | PLSQL
An automated system that will generate & record the CGPA of the students each semester. The system will have a record of the results of a student in each course at each semester along with obtained marks so that he/she can evaluate himself/herself. Also, it keeps track of the tuition fee remaining for each student. In addition, this also provides a feature to determine whether a student will be eligible to sit for the exam or not, depending on his/her attendance percentage. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Sep'19
Disaster Loss Minimizer | MiniZinc
Project based on optimization problem that helps rescuing people and valuable goods during natural disaster and providing relief materials in a post-disaster scenario. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Sep'19 - Oct'19
Comparison among Classifiers for Parkinsons Diseases Dataset | Python, TensorFlow
This project is about classifying the well-known Parkinsons Diseases Dataset using different classifiers, such as, KNN, SVM, XGB, Neural Networks and draw a comparison based on their performances on this dataset. From the data, what I have observed is, KNN and XGB outperforms the rest. I have also designed an Artificial Neural Network, which yielded an accuracy of 92.31%. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Jul'19
MNIST Handwritten Digit Recognition | Python, TensorFlow
The MNIST dataset of handwritten digits has 70,000 examples in total. This project is about classifying & recognizing The MNIST digit dataset using Convolutional Neural Network. Here, two Convolutional layers have been used as the basic building block of the model. After training the model, the classification accuracy found for testing dataset was 99.24%. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Aug'19
CIFAR10 Object Recognition | Python, TensorFlow
CIFAR-10 dataset is a subset of the 80 million tiny images dataset and consists of 60,000 32x32 color images containing one of 10 object classes, with 6000 images per class. This project is about classifying & recognizing the CIFAR10 images using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Here, three Convolutional layers have been used as the basic building block of the model. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Aug'19
Online Result Management System | SQL, Java
Developed a software for processing the results of students each semester, and accumulating the CGPAs of a student and provide a Final CGPA. It had a feature for course-teachers to login and evaluate the students of his course. ( GitHub Link)
Timeline : Oct'18
Technical Skills
- Programming Languages : C, C++, Python, Java
- Machine Learning : TensorFlow, Seaborn
- Image Processing : OpenCV, Pillow, SciPy
- Database Management : SQL, PLSQL
- Web Development : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Automation : Cypress, Selenium Protractor
- Security Testing : BurpSuite
- Modelling Languages : MiniZinc, PDDL
- Game Development : Unreal Engine 4