
Hello everyone! It is with immense delight that I extend a cordial welcome to you on this esteemed digital platform that I created using ChatGPT. My name is S M Rayeed, and I am a recent alumnus of the esteemed Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh, with a degree in Computer Science. My professional journey thus far has entailed me serving as a Junior Test Engineer at the distinguished Nilavo Technologies Ltd. Furthermore, I have had the honor of being affiliated with the esteemed Systems and Software Lab (SSL) at my alma mater, where I have served as a researcher, ever since my graduation in March of the year 2021. The crux of my research endeavors is concentrated on the profound domain of Sign Language Recognition. Specifically, my efforts have been directed towards the incorporation of depth information into Bangla Sign Language, with the aim of enhancing classification accuracy utilizing advanced neural networks. As of present, I am endeavoring to secure a research-oriented academic pursuit in the realm of Computer Science, with a zealous focus on pushing the boundaries of innovation and groundbreaking discoveries.


Work Experiences



  • [1] Conference Paper : S. M. Rayeed, Gazi Wasif Akram, Sidratul Tamzida Tuba, Golam Sadman Zilani, Hasan Mahmud, Md. Kamrul Hasan, "Bangla sign digits recognition using depth information," Proc. SPIE 12084, Fourteenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2021). DOI : 10.1117/12.2623400

  • [2] Journal Article : S. M. Rayeed, Sidratul Tamzida Tuba, Hasan Mahmud, Md. Mumtahin Habib Ullah Mazumder, Md. Saddam Hossain Mukta, Md. Kamrul Hasan, "BdSL47: A complete open-access depth-based Bangla sign alphabet and digit dataset" [Under Review]

  • [3] Published Dataset : S. M. Rayeed, "BdSL47 : A complete dataset of sign alphabet and digits of Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) using depth information via MediaPipe". Harvard Dataverse (2022). DOI : 10.7910/DVN/EPIC3H


Timeline Name Tools
Aug. 2020 - Sept. 2020 Brain Tumor Detection using CNN [Link] Keras, Python, TensorFlow
Jul. 2019 - Aug. 2019 Online Pharmacy Management System [Link] HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Sept. 2019 Online Result Processing System [Link] PLSQL
Sept. 2019 - Oct. 2019 Disaster Loss Minimizer [Link] MiniZinc
Jul. 2020 Comparison among Classifiers for Parkinsons Dataset [Link] Keras, Python, TensorFlow
Aug. 2020 MNIST Handwritten Digit Recognition [Link] Keras, Python, TensorFlow
Aug. 2020 CIFAR10 Object Recognition [Link] Keras, Python, TensorFlow
Oct. 2018 Online Result Management System [Link] SQL, Java

Test Scores

Test Score
GRE (General) 332 (Quantitative: 170, Verbal: 162, AWA: 4.0)
IELTS (Academic) 8.0 (Reading: 8.5, Listening: 8.5, Speaking: 7.0, Writing: 7.5)

Contact Me

Email rayeed@iut-dhaka.edu
Phone 013-114-77879
Website S M Rayeed
LinkedIN S M Rayeed
GitHub S M Rayeed
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